Five Minute Friday: Rhythm

Linking up the Five Minute Friday writers, after missing last week without wifi in Colorado.



Rhythm, oh rhythm, where are you? I have been looking for you all week! After 16 days on the road, saying my energy waned a bit this week is an understatement.

Trying to figure out a routine for the summer, keeping up with necessary work and adding in summer fun, without being a big grump.

The unpacking is finally complete, unless you count the odds and ends from the children in the van, plus the Utah red dirt. It is really a mess. Rachel has volunteered for van duty in the morning. Thank you!

The boys told me there was a spider in the downstairs bathroom this morning, so I caught it. She cooperated rather nicely, then we searched the conservation site to identify our find. We let her go after an hour or so, satisfied with our summer science learning.

A church friend called to invite the children to the new monster movie that opened today. That threw me for a loop, as I really, really dislike those goofy animated movies, especially paying full-price. So, after hyper-ventilating and getting overwhelmed, (Why, oh, why do I do that??), it was decided that the older three would go and pay their own way.

I let Adam drive us into town, then was a softy and gave them $10 for snacks, bought the younger three and Kyle a large frozen custard to share and need to leave in about five minutes to go to the WM neighborhood market and the movie theatre again.

Not the rhythm I expected for the day, but all is well!


(I added two minutes to my timer to get finished!)

The “friend” I caught in our downstairs bathroom this morning!

Researching…Only a wolf spider.

Psalm 40:5 (ESV)
You have multiplied, O Lord my God,
your wondrous deeds and your thoughts toward us;
none can compare with you!
I will proclaim and tell of them,
yet they are more than can be told.

Ten Things You’ll Always Find In Our Fridge

My post today was originally a comment at Preschoolers and Peace. Thank you, Kendra, for the fun idea!

My list:

1-lb tubs of organic greens
3-lb bags of organic baby carrots
Eggs, some best-we-can-find from the grocery store and some purchased from our 4H leader.
Almond Milk
Organic peanut butter
Organic fruit-sweetened jelly
Zevia Soda (Occasional treat for the six sibs, almost daily for the mom.)
Novolog (For my son’s pump.)
Lantus (For back-up in case of pump-failure.)

It takes a full fridge to take care of this family!

1 Corinthians 10:31 (NIV 1984)
So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.

Sunday Smiles and Scripture: Three weeks, three churches, three states


Home tonight after being blessed by churches in Albuquerque, Kanab and Dodge City during the course of our southwestern vacation adventure.

Hebrews 10:24-25 (ESV)
24 And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works,
25 not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another,
and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.

Five Minute Friday: Fall

Joining in to write another Five Minute Friday post.

The rules:
1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.
2. Link back here and invite others to join in.
3. And then absolutely, no ifs, ands or buts about it, you need to visit the person who linked up before you & encourage them in their comments. Seriously. That is, like, the rule. And the fun. And the heart of this community..


I worked so hard to make everything safe when they were little. Rubber edges and corners for the fireplace (still have them), the “Slow downs!,” “Be careful!,” “Watch where you’re going!”‘ and on and on.

Then those older three decided to become teens, and the next one almost 10, the next just turned eight and the baby, well, at almost five, he’s not a baby anymore.

I learned that I had to prepare for their fall. They were going to come. Only one broken arm, and that was the girl on our brick kitchen floor, trying to catch her baby brother seven years ago as he started to fall. One set of stitches to the head and one to an arm, one trip for glue to the head.

They fall, I learn to relax, we are getting through this wonderful life together.

They climb trees, I sometimes can’t watch. Skateboarding, bike riding, all good, all scary for mom.

I want to not fear the falls, I want to help them try to avoid what they can and recover from what they can’t. I love my six.


The older three on an outcropping at the South Rim of The Grand Canyon.

The younger three with Daddy, waiting for their big sibs. Some things you have to say no to. That would have been too far too fall!

Joshua 1:9 (NKJV)
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

I Wasn’t Ready For This!

I thought I was, but I’m not…

My oldest, Adam, started driving on Saturday!!! I can’t believe it!
He wasn’t particularly interested, but is turning 17 at the end of July, so we talked him into it (nicely forced) so he can get lots of practice in before he leaves home.
Thankfully, he has to drive with us for six months before he can get his full license.
We live less than 10 minutes from the “big” city, but are out in the country, so he has had some state highway experience already. He’ll be doing interstate driving for an upcoming summer vacation as well.
I told him on Friday after he passed his test, that it would be a whole new world. In reply, he told me that I used to not be able to wait for him to get older and be able to do things for himself and now I’m not ready. So true! Very strange!
Babbling, crawling, talking, walking, bike riding, telling time, swimming, reading, plus more, are all life skills that are very important, but driving! Yikes!

Second trip out, first with the whole family! (BTW, the vehicle was at a complete stop before he posed for the picture!)

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (ESV)
“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”

Furniture Feature Friday

Linking up with Furniture Feature Friday for the first time at Miss Mustard Seed.

Stripping and refinishing help needed, please!

We were told that our table is solid walnut. (Full history below pictures.)
The table and benches are very solid, but are in great need of refinishing, as you can see from the pictures below.
My husband is interested in taking it apart and using a biscuit joiner to put the top together again tightly. (Thank you Tom Silva from This Old House for the tool tips!)
We have never stripped or refinished anything and would like to do it well. I have a small bookshelf I could practice on if someone could please point me in the right direction!
Thank you so much!


Our table, aka best e-bay purchase ever.

Close-up of the end.

And, the other end.

The history:
We purchased this table, after searching for quite some time, in April of 20007. We were a family of seven at the time and added another son in 2008!
My husband found the table on e-bay by searching for dining tables within a 200 mile radius of our home.
Our table came in just under the mileage wire and we were the only bidders. The table and two benches cost us the minimum bid, a whopping $50!
The owner had it stored in a shed and was in the process of moving. He told us his father had made the table 40 years prior.
My husband and oldest son, nine at the time, took the seats out of our 12-passenger van and loaded it with the help of the owner. (The owner taught my husband how to unlatch the doors on the back of the van so they would fold flat.)
They arrived home late and had to take the hinges off our back door to get it in. It was all the three of could do to get it into our kitchen.
The table is so heavy, that when our second son got up the next morning and tried lifting the end up he asked if it was bolted to the floor.

Thank you for your help!!

Colossians 3:23-24 (ESV)
23 Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, 24 knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.

Five Minute Friday: View

Five Minute FridayFive Minute Friday.


The view gets a bit fuzzy some days in the tired.
Thinking yesterday afternoon when the blog engineer wanted to cuddle me and our youngest came in and talked and talked and asked so many questions in a 30-second period. These days aren’t going to last long.

Listening to a podcast yesterday evening, while adding up the last two month’s grocery receipts, I heard the encouragement from two mamas with children in their 20s to slow down, don’t wish these days away, have more fun with your children.

Thinking-how in the world do we eat so much? Well, there are eight of us. Two teen boys, a teen-ish girl, tween boy and two younger (can’t call them “little”) boys. It won’t last forever.

I am so going to miss these days. I don’t want to miss them now.
The view is clearer here in the early morning with a quiet house.
I’m going in a few hours to take my oldest to get his driving permit!

I didn’t do well with five minutes this morning. I added three minutes to the timer, in one minute increments (Not recommended for optimum concentration!)


This gift was on my photo stream. I found it early, while looking for inspiration before starting the timer. These two boys, the type-a twins separated by 11 years and 360 days and their triplet sister who snuck in, while on a walk in the neighborhood with Daddy last night.

Psalm 90:12 (NKJV)
“So teach us to number our days,
That we may gain a heart of wisdom.”

Five Minute Friday: Song

Five Minute Friday

Five Minute Friday: Song

My life has a soundtrack. Younger boys playing, deep voices of older boys, daughter organizing, siblings laughing. It’s all a song.
There is one in particular, John, who seems to live for vocal music.
He has a very sweet voice and uses it liberally. Most of the day, he provides a song via whistling, humming or singing. Hymns, Lord of the Rings songs, or nonsensical notes over and over and over. The latter, I have to ask for a pause. Sometimes the whistling too. I try to be patient. I enjoy it much of the time and I do miss the song when they are all out or I am out and I am alone in the quiet. It is our family song. I like the song of my life.

Psalm 96: 1-6 (ESV)
Worship in the Splendor of Holiness

“1Oh sing to the Lord a new song;
sing to the Lord, all the earth!
2 Sing to the Lord, bless his name;
tell of his salvation from day to day.
3 Declare his glory among the nations,
his marvelous works among all the peoples!
4 For great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised;
he is to be feared above all gods.
5 For all the gods of the peoples are worthless idols,
but the Lord made the heavens.
6 Splendor and majesty are before him;
strength and beauty are in his sanctuary.”

Go here for the entire chapter.

Diabetes Blog Week: Day 4, Accomplishments Big and Small

“We don’t always realize it, but each one of us had come a long way since diabetes first came into our life. It doesn’t matter if it’s been 5 weeks, 5 years or 50 years, you’ve done something outstanding diabetes-wise. So today let’s share the greatest accomplishment you’ve made in terms of dealing with your (or your loved one’s) diabetes. No accomplishment is too big or too small – think about self-acceptance, something you’ve mastered (pump / exercise / diet / etc.), making a tough care decision (finding a new endo or support group / choosing to use or not use a technology / etc.”

In the 8 years and almost three months since John’s diagnosis, I would say I have accomplished a few things:
1) Taking a “one for all and all for one” approach with our new normal. We had always eaten the same thing, so I couldn’t imagine singling John out and making him eat differently. Not gonna happen in this house. (This approach was tested in 8/07 when John’s #2 brother was diagnosed with Celiac Disease.)
The real world will be upon him before I know it and I want to give him a good grounding with lots of healthy food (and a few treats thrown in) in our family setting, with his favorite five friends and his favorite parents not only cheering for him, but being on the same team.
2) Embracing carb counting, in a big way, early on. My preferred method is weighing, second would be measuring, and only as a last resort will I guess. I know people that do, and I can, but it is not perfectly accurate, and since diabetes throws so many curve balls, for no apparent reason, I feel that I should be doing everything I can to keep The J healthy. I think I have bordered on being obsessive about it, so am trying to still be very precise and accurate, while a little less uptight 😉
3) Caring for John while he was a baby, then preschooler, while being pregnant, then having his two younger brothers (5/05 and 7/08).
To be honest though, I am sure that is the reason for some of the downs I experienced with the older three children and homeschooling. As I said in Monday’s post, no one can do it all.
4) Learning from #1 and through much prayer, learned to juggle a little better and began resurrecting/rescuing my relationship with the older ones, who had been expected to “keep on and carry on” while I was so busy with the younger guys + diabetes. It took years, but we are in a good place now. Well, most days. 😉
5) Starting per John’s request at about age four, to turn small areas of his care over to him. He wanted to start with testing and when he started on a pump at age 5 (11/05), he took to that like the jr. engineer that he is! He now can do everything for his site changes, except the actual placement. We are currently working on carb counting.
His nurse practitioner told us when he was tiny that he would get interested in taking care of himself, but I was really surprised when he did at only, age four. Of course, he was a veteran by then.

Whew, this has been an interesting week. Lots of brain, memory and emotion dumping.

From yesterday’s post, playing at home, just before diagnosis.


From Tuesday’s post, John testing prototypes of The Testeroni 5000.

Romans 8:28 (NKJV)
“And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.”