17 For 17

Happy Birthday, Dear Adam!

In honor of the beginning of your 18th year, I will share a top 17 highlight list/observations of your first 17 years.

17 You clocked in on Tuesday, July 30, 1996, at 10 pounds, 14 ounces. Wowza!
16 From moment one, you have been very sure of what you wanted, when you wanted it and how you wanted it. No self-confidence, wishy-washy issues for you, my boy! 😉
15 When you are in, you are all in. When you are out, well…
14 When you are in, you do it all to the glory of God. We are so thankful.
13 You lead your siblings well. 🙂
12 You are not afraid to work hard.
11 You have read (and studied) the Bible through multiple times.
10 You did well in speech with apologetics and Mars Hill and are looking forward to a new school year.
9 You are comfortable speaking in front of a group. (You are your daddy’s son!)
8 You are open to whatever The Lord has for your future.
7 You eat whatever is served to you and have never been picky. (Well, except for the anti-stir-fry phase in your younger years on Oak Ave.) Thank you!!
6 You are an accomplished amateur chef and will not starve or live on junk food during your bachelor years.
5 You have blessed us and others over the past year with your growing photography skills.
4 You bless your older friends with patient help with technical issues.
3 You are quite the talented runner and skater.
2 Your construction and dry-walling talents are first-rate.
1 You are a blessing to your parents and siblings.

Love, love, love you, Big A!

1 Chronicles 16:8 (ESV)
David’s Song of Thanks
“Oh give thanks to the Lord; call upon his name;
make known his deeds among the peoples!”

Going to great lengths to do what you enjoy!

Following Paul around the park in Glen Allen, VA.

What a guy!

I Wasn’t Ready For This!

I thought I was, but I’m not…

My oldest, Adam, started driving on Saturday!!! I can’t believe it!
He wasn’t particularly interested, but is turning 17 at the end of July, so we talked him into it (nicely forced) so he can get lots of practice in before he leaves home.
Thankfully, he has to drive with us for six months before he can get his full license.
We live less than 10 minutes from the “big” city, but are out in the country, so he has had some state highway experience already. He’ll be doing interstate driving for an upcoming summer vacation as well.
I told him on Friday after he passed his test, that it would be a whole new world. In reply, he told me that I used to not be able to wait for him to get older and be able to do things for himself and now I’m not ready. So true! Very strange!
Babbling, crawling, talking, walking, bike riding, telling time, swimming, reading, plus more, are all life skills that are very important, but driving! Yikes!

Second trip out, first with the whole family! (BTW, the vehicle was at a complete stop before he posed for the picture!)

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (ESV)
“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”