Last month, we volunteered with my mother at her town’s food pantry. It also has a thrift store, so we stopped in when we were finished. It was my first visit and for the most part, I didn’t see anything I needed. Then…I saw it. A dusty, dirty old tool box. I didn’t know what I would do with it, but thought I really needed it.
It sat under my desk for about three weeks. While we were on our latest adventure to Virginia, I read several issues of Country Living magazine. I saw a picture of a tool box that was filled with children’s books and instantly knew that was what I would do with my box. Voila!
Tuesday afternoon, my youngest was looking at it and I told him I was planning to paint it. Ever the type-A, seize-the-moment kind of guy, he replied “Now?” So, we got started!
I forgot to take a before picture, but after vacuuming and scrubbing, we were ready to paint:
My two youngest boys and a neighbor’s grandson helping.
My oldest (celebrating his birthday) and youngest sons polishing the handle after sanding.
Paul, the youngest, finishing the job.
The inspiration for the project.
Paul again, posing with our field guides, science and nature books.
Completely Full.
I used the same Olympic, low VOC, latex paint in apple red that I have alternated on my stairs.
Proverbs 30:5 (ESV)
“Every word of God proves true;
he is a shield to those who take refuge in him.”