Saturday Snapshots


Big brother boosting little brother up the bouncy thing at the free credit union party.


The three youngest on the bouncy thingy.


A non-posed picture at The Grotto.


The parents sitting across the table at lunch.


When you give a boy a bunch of boxes from Medtronic, Sam’s and the health food store AND paint…


No wind + lots of scrap wood and branches=bonfire!


The new and improved box fort.

Finally cutting (buzzing) the shag.

The only child in the history of our family to ask for a haircut.

Seriously, he asked.

All done and talking.

Halfway done!


The parents after dinner.


Almost there!

Psalm 118:24 (NKJV)
This is the day the Lord has made;
We will rejoice and be glad in it.

Five Minute Friday: Jump

Writing again for the Five Minute Friday community.


What did I jump into in this life?
Lover of Jesus. Check.
Marriage. Check.
Motherhood. Check.
Homeschooler. Check.
Official carb-counter and insulin giver. Check.
Gourmet gluten-free chef. Check.

Many titles. Some for real, some in jest. All part of this life I made a jump for. Time to pray, asking The Lord for help with these titles, this life I am living. Loving, caring, being with my family. Learning to serve others better.

So glad I made the jump.



Kyle took this “jump” photo of Mommy and Paul being photographed by Adam.

Psalm 106:1 (NKJV)
“Praise the Lord!
Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good!
For His mercy endures forever.”

Five Minute Friday

Diabetes on the Brain

For some reason, I have been thinking about diabetes more so far this year than in past years. Not in the day-to-day sense of thinking. Diabetes is lurking around every corner, nook, cranny, part my brain. Always.
I mean as in feeling the need to write about it sense. The blogging bug has hit and over the last couple of months I have been thinking of several people that have been put in my path.
It all collided in one jumbled mess of thoughts tonight in church.
First, on the incourage blog, a young lady posted about diabetes back in February. I commented and she replied to my comment. I copied and pasted it into a blog draft called “John’s Story” and have let it sit.
Last week, I received a call from another mom whose son has type-1 diabetes.
I’m not up on the proper lingo that all the cool people use, but I think in the “DOC”–diabetes online community, we would be called “D-Moms.” I think. I could be wrong. I am occasionally.
Anyway, she is a friend of a friend’s friend, if that makes sense. We were introduced via phone/e-mail a few years ago and have e-mailed, phoned and talked in person a few times. I hadn’t heard from her for over a year.
Her son is 17. John is 9. Both were diagnosed very young. We have done nutrition and diet much differently and John has been on a pump since age 4 and her son is not. I started to say he still is not but that seems arrogant or condescending.
The pump isn’t the be-all-end-all of diabetes care. It has worked for us, but I assume it isn’t for everyone. I’m not sure that I would want one for myself. It is awfully convenient, but can be awfully reminding too. Always there. It never goes away. Well, like diabetes.
Wowza, I’m going off on tangents! Back to the call:
She sounded somewhat discouraged. (Diabetes can do that to you.) She said she wanted to encourage me to make sure that John “owns” his diabetes starting at his young age, as her son isn’t interested in the responsibility of taking over his care.
When we met, I gave her a book. (Amazon just helpfully gave me an instant order update and told me that I had ordered it on December 6, 2010.) That was my second copy, after I let her keep my copy.
She mentioned the book last week and I am thinking, if I work of the courage, of contacting the author to ask if she would Skype with us.
Tonight in church, several verses from the lesson struck me as appropriate for John’s story and I started thinking more.
And finally, tonight this post finished me off. Did me in. Almost pushed me over the edge. I can’t believe it didn’t make me cry. I guess I’m too tired. It is almost midnight. I’m sure it will tomorrow when I read it again.
I have been reading Meri’s blog for a little over a year and it encourages and saddens me, depending on the day.
Well, that was a mess. A big messy diabetes mess. Like my brain.
Tomorrow I’ll clean it up. Maybe. But I’m posting tonight. Just because my brain needed a good dump.

I’ll end, as always, with scripture. This is one of the passages from church:

Isaiah 55:8-9 (ESV)
For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord.
For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.

Five Minute Friday: Here


We are here. Grandpa and Grandma’s. My mom and dad’s. What was planned to be a day trip for tomorrow to do yard work for Grandpa after his carpal tunnel surgery, became an overnight trip when the pressure valve thingys on our well pump gave up and quiet cooperating.
We are always welcome. My daughter teased that we should just show up on their doorstep in case Grandpa said no. He got a laugh out of that. When does Grandpa ever say no? Well, unless it is critical 🙂
Here. Where we are always welcome, where it feels like home even though this was never my home. They left my childhood home after 27 years, when I was 30, with two little boys. Those little boys don’t remember my home and yet this is home.
My parents are aging, aren’t we all? Sometimes that is hard, but I am so, so grateful for home.



My dad reading to my youngest boys at Christmastime.

Philippians 4:4 (KJV)
“Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice.”

Five Minute Friday

Sunday Smiles and Scripture


Three little boys walking down a hill.

Three little boys getting closer.

My three not-all-so-little boys almost to the van.

Psalm 127:3-5 (NIV 1984)

“Sons are a heritage from the Lord,
children a reward from him.
Like arrows in the hands of a warrior
are sons born in one’s youth.
Blessed is the man
whose quiver is full of them.
They will not be put to shame
when they contend with their
enemies in the gate.”

Shared at The Sunday Community.

Five Minute Friday:After

What will the after look like? I need to not spend too much time pondering that, as I can waste countless minutes, hours thinking “I will do this, when that happens,” as if the after of getting my act together, being more patient, more loving has anything to do with my circumstances or what I may receive.
The current, the present is what I need to concentrate on. How may I best serve God, my family, my neighbors?
The after will come soon enough. It will be what it will be. Dwelling on it will not get me from here to “Happily ever after.”
These people that I have been entrusted with, they are my after. When I’m in the after, I want to be able to look back and enjoy the memories of the past.
As I told my husband this evening, after the bedtime tussles with our youngest, I seem to always end the day with a laundry list of regrets.
Looking forward to the after gives me the courage to do what I need to do to get rid of that list.


1 Corinthians 10:31 (ESV)
“So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.”

Five Minute Friday

First Quarter Re-Cap

Since I am not on the fast-track for any blogging awards, not attempting to woo advertisers with my impressive content and feel the need to document the first three months of the year, I have made a list of what I consider to be the top 25 events of the first quarter.

In some cases, they may be “top”, as in most out-of-the ordinary, in other cases, it would be the fun factor and in others, just because I wanted them on the list.

My List:

1. Luke’s seizure
2. Rachel’s pneumonia
3. My bladder infections x 2, wacky hormones and possibly thyroid issues
4. The Superbowl party sickness everyone but me caught and kept for almost two weeks

Books read aloud:
5. Me: Jonathan Goforth
6. Me: Wilfred Grenfell
7. Me: Nothing Else Matters
8. Kyle: Little Britches
9. Kyle: Man of the Family

Educational Activities:
10. Rachel, John and Adam–Springfield Speech tournament
11. Rachel and Adam–St. Louis Speech tournament
12. 4-H group and 4-H Robotics project meetings

Outings enjoyed:
13. Kyle– trip to Denver
14. Almost weekly date-nights
15. Youngest four boys and I–St. Louis zoo
16. Youngest three boys and I–Blackburn park
17. Youngest three boys and I–Powder Valley Conservation Nature Center
18. Laumeier Sculpture Park
19. Askinosie chocolate factory tour for my birthday
20. Me–Singing at a nursing home and Miss Bernice’s house with church friends
21. Me and four: Helping with a birthday party at a different nursing home
22. Rachel and I–Overnight trip to Branson

23. Good Morning Girls Bible Study
24. Sunday school on 3/31
25. The Easter service on 3/31

I’ll have to add a bonus because I almost forgot one just for me:
26.Finally joining in to write for Five Minute Fridays.

(This list was written for me and by me. Oddly formatted by me. Links and photos left out by me.)

Philippians 4:4 (ESV)
“Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice.”

Five Minute Friday: Broken

Linking up again with Lisa-Jo for Five Minute Friday.



I feel broken some days, less than satisfied others, spending way too much time dwelling on what isn’t instead of learning to thrive in what is.
Some trials come with poor choices, some like illness and loss, just seem to come. There is a plan in those circumstances, it is just not mine. It is a God plan. It takes me time to grasp that and I still don’t always understand or find joy, much less peace in His plan.
Then, there is Jesus, the man who went through multiple trials and he submitted to them. It was His Father’s plan. The plan that I don’t always understand. He submitted to, to the ultimate…death.
Instead of feeling broken, I need to feel grateful. Especially today.


Five Minute Friday

Luke 23:46 (ESV)
Then Jesus, calling out with a loud voice, said, “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit!” And having said this he breathed his last.

For the complete account of Jesus’ crucifixion, death and burial, please read Luke 23:26-56.

An Acrostic For Me


Sweet Rachel took Paul’s leftover preschool supplies and wrote this for me while I was reading aloud a few weeks ago. Paul smudged it a bit, but it’s still legible 🙂

My eyebrows raised at the last one. Kyle, where has she heard that one? Hmmm…

Titus 2:3-5 (NIV)
Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good.
Then they can urge the younger women to love their husbands and children,
to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God.