I thought I was, but I’m not…
My oldest, Adam, started driving on Saturday!!! I can’t believe it!
He wasn’t particularly interested, but is turning 17 at the end of July, so we talked him into it (nicely forced) so he can get lots of practice in before he leaves home.
Thankfully, he has to drive with us for six months before he can get his full license.
We live less than 10 minutes from the “big” city, but are out in the country, so he has had some state highway experience already. He’ll be doing interstate driving for an upcoming summer vacation as well.
I told him on Friday after he passed his test, that it would be a whole new world. In reply, he told me that I used to not be able to wait for him to get older and be able to do things for himself and now I’m not ready. So true! Very strange!
Babbling, crawling, talking, walking, bike riding, telling time, swimming, reading, plus more, are all life skills that are very important, but driving! Yikes!
Second trip out, first with the whole family! (BTW, the vehicle was at a complete stop before he posed for the picture!)
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (ESV)
“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”