Five Minute Friday: Afraid
1. Write for 5 minutes flat for pure unedited love of the written word.
2. Link back here and invite others to join in {you can grab the button code in my blog footer}
3. Go leave some comment props for the five minute artist who linked up before you {and if you love us, consider turning off word verification for the day to make it easier for folks to say howdy}
Afraid. Oh, the possibilities that word brings to mind. Children, diabetes, homeschooling, strong-wills, marriage, empty-nesting (one of the days in the long-off future), parents’ health, on and on and on.
Will I fight off those fears to try to be the mother I need to be to this older crew who wants to talk and think and depletes my brain so quickly?
First show, opening night of “The Hobbit” in December, with Daddy.
Will I fight off those fears and be a good mommy to this younger crew who wants to play and explore and create and be loud, so very loud?
Reading Curious George with Grandpa during Christmas break. (Could’ve used this last week for “Again”!)
Will I fight off those fears and be a good wife to this guy, this guy I married 21 years and a month ago? This guy I started dating just two months after I turned 18. The one who knows me better than any and STILL loves me. Amazing and terrifying.
Anniversary overnight, December 28.
Top: The new Sea Lion exhibit at the St. Louis Zoo.
Bottom: At the hotel.
So much to be afraid about, wasting so much time doing it.
I claimed Joshua 1:9 as my homeschooling verse midway through last year and I’m sticking with it:
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” NIV.