My favorite desserts involve lemon and chocolate, but not a combination of the two. What a dilemma…The solution? Two desserts. No complaints from my crew!
I mixed up the dry and wet ingredients for the first, Luscious Lemon Cake, yesterday, but was lacking baking powder. An odd ingredient to be out of, I know, but alas, we were.
Isaac and I procurred the missing ingredient on our shopping date, as well as more flour for dessert number two, our favorite chocolate cupcakes.
My assistants: Luke zested and juiced the lemons for dessert #1 and zested the orange for dessert #2, John juiced the orange and Rachel oiled the muffins tins for the cupcakes. Everyone lined up to be batter taste-testers, as these were both recipes from Sweet and Natural, a vegan dessert cookbook.