Ordinary. What is ordinary? I would imagine that everyone has their own, personal definition of ordinary. My definition has changed over the years, from childhood to college to married life to working to motherhood.
Now, an ordinary day includes being at home, all eight of us, working, homeschooling, living. Last year, there were seven of us at home 24/7. Now is definitely better, more ordinary.
2013 has brought some unordinary, unexpected health trials for some in our family. Yesterday, I was expecting to get ordinary test results back for one child, but they were very unordinary.
I mourned for the afternoon, the loss of one more ordinary, normal thing.
So I pray more and hope that these prayers will be answered in an ordinary way.
Maybe, just maybe God is trying to call me, trying to to pry me, out of ordinary.
For me, ordinary is safe. I like safe. I think I have been guilty of worshiping the ordinary and safe.
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Jeremiah 29:11(NIV)
An ordinary winter day: The whole family playing in the nice “wet” snow on Tuesday..
“Ordinary” does seem to be different for each one of us. Here I was, wishing my life would be more than just ordinary. But I can’t even imagine how your unordinary week must’ve been like. Whatever it is, I do hope you will find grace to sustain you in facing the challenges you’re facing at the moment.
Thank you for commenting Sheila. Thank you for mentioning grace.
God has been gracious through this new journey which began on Jan. 10 when my second son had a seizure in the early morning hours. He had a normal CAT Scan that day, so we hoped that all was well, though I was quite worried for awhile about him having another one.
We had to wait to get an EEG, which was Wednesday, and the results were pretty highly abnormal, which means he has a 50/50 chance of having another seizure. If we put him on medication he would have a 25% chance of having another and he didn’t want to go that route. The doctor agreed, so we pray, wait and see the doctor again in three months. I am praying that I can fight off another round of worrying.
Thank you.
I think we are mostly all guilty of that, at least in the West. I pray for peace for you. It is often earth-shattering to receive those less than ordinary test results for our children. At least it always is for me. (Coming over from FMF)
Thank you for your prayers for peace, Sara. I am grateful for ordinary days in the midst of some confusing, unordinary ones. I am looking forward to visiting your blog. I have five boys too!
Thank you!
Hi Elizabeth,
Thanks for sharing your heart. It is true, that often God has to “pry” us away from what is ordinary. And maybe we turn ordinary into extraordinary because we don’t let go easily. But then He glorifies Himself in everything, anyway. So thankful for that merciful grace of His.
Blessings, fellow FMF friend,
Thank you for sharing Selena. I appreciate your reminder that God glorifies Himself in all things. I am grateful for his merciful grace. Thank you again for the reminder.
I am also craving ordinary during an especially challenging time…and I think it’s okay to want things to settle. Sometimes God leads us to green pastures and still waters so we can rest up for the next big thing. It is okay to long for those more peaceful, ordinary moments when we are caught in rougher places. Praying for grace for you (and me!) to ride out the bumpy times until things smooth out. Peace. (visiting from FMF…grateful that you shared.)
Thank you for commenting Abbey. I am fairly new to blogging and receiving comments on the FMF posts has really been a blessing. I am looking forward to visiting everyone’s blogs that commented. Thank you for your prayers for grace and peace, I will pray for you as well.
Thank you.