So, the no-baking until after Thanksgiving experiment didn’t pan out. It ended yesterday. Instead of six days, I only made it two. I felt justified though, because how could I serve lonely homemade tomato soup?
I made a double batch and substituted psyllium husk for the flax seed meal (which I have been using for the past year instead of xanthan or guar gum). The dough had a thicker consistency, but I didn’t see a big difference in the final product. I really need to have a side-by-side test. My helpers would be happy to try it blind-folded, I’m sure!
One loaf down last night with the soup, one-and-a-half with pb and banana for the six sibs at lunch, and the last one-and-a-half sliced and frozen to have with one of the two containers of tomato soup or the kale chowder in the freezer.