Linking up for another Five Minute Friday post.
Five Minute Friday: Brave
Brave isn’t an adjective that I would immediately choose to describe myself. In many situations, instead of doing the brave thing, saying brave words, I have chosen to escape, to flee the situation.
Homeschooling is so difficult at times, stretching me out of my selfish desires for quiet, peace, “me” time, yet is is one of the most brave things I have done.
Thinking this morning about brave, it came to me that probably the main reason we homeschool is to instill in our children all the reasons they can be brave:
Love God.
Follow Jesus.
Never be afraid to do what is right.
Love Others.
Serve God and others.
This is just a few from the top of my head, but the list could go on. and on. My six are learning to believe what is right and true. The world does not and will not agree and they need to be prepared for that.
My brave loves last month at Maramec Springs.
2 Timothy 2:15 (ESV)
Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.
They are fortunate sons and daughters to have a mom willing to brave all the elements of homeschooling! May you continue to find the courage to be brave today. I’m stopping by from FMF and glad I was able to read your story of brave. Bless you.