Tomorrow, I will be attending my first writing workshop at the insistence of the Blog Engineer, aka husband Kyle. I’m feeling a bit anxious, as this will be my first conference since my working days way-back-when and I have not written anything for publication since before then. That’s a long time.
The workshop is really a mini-workshop, so that makes me feel better. Only three hours. Surely I can do that?
It will be led by a homeschooling mom who has authored several books and writes for Christian publications as well as a group blog that I have read for several years.
The main reason I hesitated to register (actually I will be doing that in the morning), are that it is geared for writing for publication and that isn’t my goal. Yet. Ever?
I have only written for a local magazine that was retired when the owners retired a few years ago.
Kyle is now making business cards for me to hand out. 🙂 He is sweet and so very encouraging.
This would qualify for the “learn” part of my blog title. Not homeschool learn, but ME learn. Yikes! Going out of my little comfort zone bubble.
More details tomorrow…
Joshua 1:9 (NIV 1984)
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for The Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
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