1. Write for 5 minutes flat with no editing, tweaking or self critiquing.
2. Link back here and invite others to join in {you can grab the button code in my blog’s footer}.
3. Go and tell the person who linked up before you what their words meant to you. Every writer longs to feel heard.
He said 26 Valentines. Really? Hard to believe. He was 19, I, almost, when we celebrated our first, over 1,000 miles apart. He was on the east coast, while I stayed here in the Midwest, in the same state I have always lived.
He came back three years later and we were married six months later, celebrating our first Valentine’s in person about six weeks later.
22 Valentine’s, 21years, six children, three babies lost to miscarriage, one type-1 diabetes diagnosis for our 18-month old, one celiac diagnosis for his older brother, homeschooling, strong wills, my hormone dive four years ago. Good, hard, together through it all. I never would have imagined all those 26 Valentine’s ago. I want to leave regrets behind, because he is my beloved. He loves me even though he knows me.
My beloved.
Disclosure: I gave myself almost a minute extra since I am typing on my ipad screen after watching a movie with my beloved.
Ephesians 5:33
New International Version
However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.
Me and My Beloved at Grayton Beach, October 2012 with Isaac 😉
Ah, your beloved of 26 years. Long battle scarred years that can only belong to the 2 of you and it’s the tough times that draw you ever so much closer to your beloved, right?
Stopping in as your neighbor at FmF. 🙂
Thank you Renee. I don’t appreciate the tough times while in the midst of them, but can definitely say most were points of maturity and growth for both of us.
I would love to get to a place, as Paul was, where I can rejoice and give thanks.
What a great look at your life. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you Debi for reading and commenting. I appreciate your encouragement.
I understand much of that full life, including having a daughter who has had 3 open heart surgeries, hormones (ugh), and us now married 28 years!
And when I read the ending, it made me think too . . . Jesus knows us and loves us as well – and calls us His beloved! We are blessed!
Thank you Loni for sharing. We mamas do lead full-to-overflowing lives. I hope your daughter’s heart difficulties are behind her.
Thank you for the reminder–I do feel blessed that Jesus knows and loves me. He is faithfully there through every trial and blessing.
What a blessing it is to get a look at your journey with your beloved and see how through trials, we grow closer to one another and know that we are blessed.
In His Love,
-Gilded Grace