For the first 10 years of our marriage, our story was pretty typical, maybe a little boring, but in a nice, comfortable kind of way.
The last 11 1/2 have been anything but. Sometimes that has been good, I have been learning, or trying to learn, to get out of my introverted comfort zone somewhat.
Sometimes the story has been difficult, with lost babies, children being diagnosed, then the mama’s turning 40 hormone chaos.
The story, like the life, has evened out a bit for 2013. We are all a bit older and wiser.
I have taken a number of deep breaths, prayed many prayers for patience and have found that The Lord is faithful.
I love and I am loved. We are praying and learning together.
This story is getting more interesting in good ways and I hope to be writing it for many years to come.
One of my favorites, only it’s missing my husband, who was working while we vacationed in Virginia last month.
The whole crew, two days before. Half like to pose and are ready at the drop of a hat, the other half of us, not as comfortable and squinting 😉
Psalm 86:15 (NIV)
“But you, Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God,
slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness”.
I linked up behind you at Lisa Jo’s. Wow, sounds like the past few years have been packed with so much. And you’ve learned and grown and still have so much story left. Thanks for sharing!
I like how you are appreciating the way your story is unfolding. I hope that it continues to be interesting in a good way!
Have a blessed weekend!
What a lovely testimony of the Lord’s faithfulness, in the midst of ups and downs. May He continue to grant you sufficient grace for each new morning.